New financial aid from ACCIÓ for the development of Industry 4.0 projects in Catalonia.

To promote the development and adaptation of SMEs to new consumer trends, the Agency for the Competitiveness of the Company (ACCIÓ) has initiated a financing process through the “ACCIÓ coupons for the competitiveness of the company”.
These coupons translate into a direct economic funding of up to 20,000 € that the applicant SMEs can exchange for an expert service in internationalization, innovation, new technologies, financing or strategy.
Since April in IRIS we are accredited as service providers within the ACCIÓ program (the supplier certificate is attributed to a person within each company, in our case, we have three accredited consultants).
These coupons provide access to the SMEs of Catalonia to be able to carry out with the IRIS service turnkey projects for process monitoring and quality control in real time with NIR spectroscopy and at different critical control points from the receipt of raw materials, manufacturing processes to the final quality control.
For this, we have our line of NIR analyzers “VISUM”, configurable and adaptable to different needs and production lines, from its portable version for at-line analysis or in the field, to those that can be integrated in conveyor belts or pipelines for the control of content uniformity, homogeneity, chemical composition, foreign bodies or other purposes in real time.
If you want to know more about the VISUM family, please visit our website or write us at info@iris-eng.com.